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It is our mission to design uniquely precise and reliable products and to exceed our customers expectations with easy-to-use and highly functional solutions facilitating their day-to-day work. This is why we always keep on developing new ideas responding to our customer's needs for purpose, mastery, and autonomy.

attoDRY1000 breadboard add-on

New: attocube's Breadboard Add-on for Toploading Cryostats

Do you want to combine your optical components with low temperature & high magnetic fields? Our new breadboard add-on allows mounting optical components directly onto a platform, which can easily be retrofitted to any of attocube’s top-loading dry cryostats. This new upgrade option was recently installed together with an attoDRY1000 at the labs of Dr. P. Senellart:

"We wanted to modify our cryogenic in-situ lithography setup to a dry cryogenic technology. This setup is our most demanding one, requiring sophisticated multicolor optical alignment and long term stability. attocube's new breadbord add-on to the attoDRY1000 offers great flexibility to our measurements: it provides enough space for three different excitation lines, a camera visualization, and still we can easily add additional optical components like polarization control, etc. Everything worked perfectly well right after installation and we could immediately start again our most demanding resonant fluorescence measurements. The optical stability is even better than before!"

Dr. P. Senellart, LPN-CNRS, Marcoussis, France

attocube's breadboard add-on

attoAFMIII in attoLIQUID3000

Dynamic Visualization of Nanoscale Vortex Motion using attoAFM III in an attoLIQUID3000

Matias Timmermans and co-workers invented an innovative technique to study vortex motion on short time scales. They induce a periodic movement of superconducting vortices by applying a small AC magnetic field. By measuring the local tunneling current with an attoAFM III they are able to observe the spatial movement of a vortex in the potential landscape of the superconductor.

get the Application Note here

user meeting NanoMRI


Will you attend NanoMRI in Waterloo next week? Don't miss the chance to sign up for our attoACADEMY event! We have invited distinguished guest speakers (Dr. Anahory, Prof. Dr. Weig, and Prof. Dr. Wrachtrup) giving you exciting insights into the newest research topics and measurement techniques.

Attendance is free & open to everyone and we are happy to invite you for some snacks, refreshments, and interesting talks after the presentations.

attoACADEMY sign up now

attocube publications

Latest customer publications using attocubes' products:
Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy and ptychography
A.P. Hitchcock; Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, in press
Role of re-growth interface preparation process for spectral line-width reduction of single InAs site-controlled quantum dots assical light by scalable integration of single-photon detectors
J. Herranz et al.; Nanotechnology 26, 195301 (2015)