Are you looking for ultimate flexibility for your cryogenic quantum optics experiments? Then replace your existing flow cryostat with our attoDRY800 - and get the optical table for free!
attoDRY800 installed at University of Oxford
A recent installation of the attoDRY800 cryo-optical table at the University of Oxford, UK illustrates the push-button handling of our system: first proof of principle high resolution optical measurements were obtained only a few hours after installation. The system reached a base temperature of 3.7 K and a cooling power of 95 mW at 4.2 K, with more than 30 thermalized wires installed. The vacuum level is around 1e-5 mbar before cooldown.
Replace also your flow cryostat with this ingenious new concept: a cold breadboard uniquely integrated into an optical table for unobstructed access to your cold sample.
get more info on the attoDRY800
Closed loop motion controller with enhanced functionality
Our closed loop controller ANC350 for low temperature positioners has undergone a complete redesign, featuring significant improvements in terms of usability and performance:
- linearity enhancement for /RES encoders by factor of 8
- pre configured calibration files for all NUM/NUM+ encoders
- faster closed loop control with 250x faster encoder sampling rate
- touchscreen based user interface
- intuitive remote control via SpaceNavigator®
get more info on the new ANC350 model
Lift heavy loads of up to 1.8 kg also in vacuum
attocube now offers the perfect solution for positioning applications with high load lifting requirements. Nanometer precision over tens of millimeter ranges and lifting heavy equipment is no longer a contradiction – even in vacuum. Customers can choose between dedicated high load (/HL) versions with dynamic forces up to 7 N, and a retrofit upgrade kit (ECS Lift), which enables spring-assisted lifting of more than 1.8 kg.
get more info on the ECS Lift option here
Microscopy Today cover article: Skyrmion imaging
Our article “Scanning Probe Microscopy in an Ultra-Low Vibrations Closed-Cycle Cryostat: Skyrmion Lattice Detection and Tuning Fork Implementation” has appeared as featured cover article in the November issue of Microscopy Today. Read more about SPM performance in dry cryostats without compromises on performance...
read the whole article here
Latest customer publications using attocubes' products: Nanoscale Probing of Dynamics in Local Molecular Environments J. M. Atkin et al.; The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2015, 6, 4616-4621 Raman spectroscopy as probe of nanometre-scale strain variations in graphene C. Neumann et al.; Nat Comms, Nature Publishing Group, 2015, 6, 8429 Strong Acoustic Phonon Localization in Copolymer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes I. Sarpkaya et al.; ACS Nano, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2015, 9, 6383